

Let’s re-create a space in transition, a situation in which everyday life, hospitality and art practice are intertwined. The name for this old-new plan is Klupko – the codeword for a certain entanglement.*
Or in other words, Klupko is a series of collaborative activities as a way of conversation between fellow artists, their ‘readers’  (or public) and other cultural producers. Care, mutual respect, openness and solidarity beyond dictates of ‘quality’ or other instrumentalizations – are some of the thoughts to be knitted throughout this plan.

Klupko is the artist-led space initiated & co-hosted by Igor Sevcuk and Go Eun Im, with advising members: Marianna Maruyama, k.g. Guttman & Maurizio Buquicchio. The current Klupko situations are taking place not far from Central Station in Utrecht and at Goleb/de Vlugt in Amsterdam.

contact  &  mailing list:  klupkorooms@gmail.com



In a scene nothing happens: events happen. The things for us take place in between scenes… One has a sort of ball of magic silk thread – in the beginning one has all the threads and all one does is untangle them, wind them out and wind them back in; and not just that, for each of us has his or her own ball, but in fact we speak always of the same things. (1)

There’s the ‘house’ to which we return in our thoughts, each time we evoke it, immutable, eternal; there’s also the room in metamorphosis, the room which comes back and becomes as subject to change as ‘the house’ in our dreams. (2)

If there is anything worthwhile doing for the sake of culture, then it is touching on subject matters and situations which link us together. There are too many things which divide people… If culture is capable of anything, then it is finding that which unites us. (3)

daily art
A work of art is continuous with the (daily) life – it is a dynamic activity that moves between and across embodied experience, biological processes and social and institutional interactions. While there are divisions between personal and communal, private and public, art and life, there is always an ongoing exchange and dialogue between these seemingly opposing domains. (4) Klupko aims to keep this process visible, ongoing, and open.

guests & books
A variety of guests are invited to re-create (re-activate) Klupko’s spaces through interventions, stagings and constellations. Artist talks, performances, lectures and workshops are all possible and there are always a few books to share. Klupko’s guests can bring some of their books too, or we can produce new ones together.

* Klupko signifies two things: ‘group’ (in ancient Illyrian) and ‘skein’ or ‘clew’ (in contemporary South Slavic languages). This word has been ‘rediscovered’ through exchange with independent film researcher Maurizio Buquicchio and artist Marianna Maruyama.
(1) & (2) Encounters – Conversations on Life and Writing, Hélène Cixous and Frédéric-Yves Jeannet. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2013
(3) Kryzstoff Kieślowski in an interview given at Oxford University. June 2,1995
(4) Kristeva Reframed, Estelle Barrett. London and New York: I.B. Tauris, 2001


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